media such as Facebook, Instragram, Twitter, Telegram,Whatsap etc is most
popular now. Hardly does anyone use Social Media today, particularly the
teenager. Surely, technology have taken much attention many people in over the
world. Not only the teenager utilize it, but also adult.
The development of social media is
higher and higher. As a moeslim, especially moeslim teenager, we should aware
that every activity will be questioned in hereafter without exception,
including how we behave in daily social media, how is our behavior in
communicating with others in social media, how much time we spend in social
media, whether we fill in our day more in social media than in worshiping to
Allah like reciting the Qur’an, memorizing Qur’an and Hadist and other good
deeds. All about our activity will be questioned and asked by Allah.